Der Wirkstoff Hyaluron
Unser Beauty Liebling

Egal welcher Hauttyp, unser absoluter Beauty-Liebling Hyaluron sorgt für ein strahlendes Hautbild und ein rundum gepflegtes Aussehen.
Spendet Feuchtigkeit bis in die tieferen Hautschichten
Speichert Wasser und bildet Feuchtigkeitsdepots
Gut durchfeuchtete Haut ist widerstandsfähiger gegen Hautstress
Wirkt aufpolsternd und glättend

What is hyaluronic acid?
Hyaluronic acid, also known as hyaluronic acid, is a substance that plays an essential role in your body. It is a biopolymer that is a sugar-like compound with diverse and important functions. It is mainly found in the connective tissue of the skin, but also in the joints and eyes. The body produces hyaluronic acid itself. The main task of hyaluronic acid is to bind moisture. However, as the aging process progresses, the body's production of hyaluronic acid decreases, which can cause the skin to lose elasticity and wrinkles may appear.
The effect on your skin: