Der Wirkstoff Aquaxyl
Tiefgreifende Hydratisierung Deiner Haut

Nachhaltiger Feuchtigkeitsspender: Lang anhaltende Verbesserung der Hautfeuchtigkeitsspeicherung.
Verbessert den Feuchtigkeitshaushalt Deiner Haut
Mildert Spannungs- und Trockenheitsgefühle
Schützt Deine Haut vor dem Austrocknen
Lang anhaltende Wirkung für eine tiefgreifende Hydratisierung der Haut
What is Aqaxyl?
Aquaxyl consists of three main ingredients, all of which are plant-based:
- Xylitol: It is a sugar alcohol that has moisturizing properties and helps improve the skin's moisture balance.
- Anhydroxylitol: This is also a sugar alcohol that has moisturizing properties similar to xylitol and supports skin hydration.
- Xylityl glucoside: It is a sugar compound that helps regulate skin moisture levels and strengthen the skin barrier.
These three ingredients are combined to form the active ingredient Aquaxyl, popular for its moisturizing and hydrating properties.
Good to know: Aquaxyl® is made from renewable raw materials and is therefore particularly suitable for use in natural cosmetics.
The effect on your skin: