Niacinamid - der Hautpflege-Star, den Deine Haut lieben wird! Vielseitig einsetzbar für fast alle Hautprobleme und Hauttypen.
Verfeinert Dein Hautbild
Lindert Rötungen und Entzündungen
Wirkt porenverfeinernd
Fördert die Regeneration Deiner Haut

What is Niacinamide?
Niacinamide, also known as vitamin B3 derivative or niacin, is a variant of vitamin B3 with a slightly different chemical structural formula. Numerous clinical studies have shown that regular use of the water-soluble active ingredient can have numerous positive effects on your skin.
The effect on your skin:

Another advantage of niacinamide is its ability to strengthen the skin barrier and protect against moisture loss. It helps your skin retain moisture and therefore has a hydrating effect. Additionally, niacinamide has anti-inflammatory properties that can help soothe skin irritations and promote skin health.
Verfeinert die Haut mit Niacinamid.
für alle Hauttypen