Probiotische Wirkstoffe unterstützen die natürlichen Abwehrkräfte Deiner Haut und regulieren effektiv die Hautbalance
Beruhigen und stärken Deine Haut
Lindert Entzündungen und Rötungen
Stärken das Mikrobiom und schützen Deine Haut
Bringen Deine Haut in ihr natürliches Gleichgewicht

What are probiotics?
Probiotics are living microorganisms, more specifically good bacteria, that can have a positive effect on your skin. These tiny helpers support the natural skin flora and promote a healthy balance. We use probiotics made from fermented lactic acid bacteria in our products. These special types of bacteria produce lactic acid, which helps balance the skin's pH and strengthen its protective barrier. Through this activity, probiotics can help reduce skin problems such as dryness, irritation and blemishes.
The effect on your skin:

Probiotics are the secret weapon for healthy skin. These living microorganisms, also known as good bacteria, restore the skin's natural balance. Through their unique ability to support skin flora, probiotics can reduce dryness, soothe irritation and combat impurities. They strengthen the skin's protective barrier, calm inflammation and promote natural regeneration.